Tuesday 17 September 2013

A Few Beautiful Pencils

Create a few beautiful pencils

Learn how to create a bouquet of beautiful pencils with Adobe Illustrator. This tutorial will teach you some great new Illustrator techniques. Mastering these techniques will give you the tools you need to turn your own ideas into a design.


Open a new document in Abode Illustrator than select Rectangle Tool and draw a box.


Select Fill Color. When the color box comes up you can select from a variety of hues and tones. Choose the color you want. Fill with the same color.


Select Pen Tool. Draw the trapezoid shape as you see below.


With the Pen Tool draw the triangle for the lead of the pen, then a small semi-circle on the other end of the pencil.


Select the Color Tool.  Choose the black color for the lead and back of the pencil .


Select Rectangle Tool. draw a line across the body of the pencil.  In the color menu adjust the yellow color for that line to Transparency.


Select Line then Ctrl+D same create a few more lines.


Finely create the completed a color pencil.


Select Rotate Tool and make three more pencils. Then choose different colors for a Three Color Pencil Bouquet.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow........
    Awesome, It is really so simple steps. But would you please explain how did you gathered the all three pencils in the step no nine ?

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